Understanding ejidos and agrarian communities’ law, practice and customs is paramount in Mexico, where more than fifty percent of the land is owned by ejidos and agrarian communities. Mexico has over 32,000 ejidos and agrarian communities and more than 5 million ejidatarios and comuneros.


Agrarian law practice is not only about knowing the Agrarian law but knowing how to work with the ejido and comuneros communities, knowing their customs and finding a win-win solution so that our clients may focus on their projects and business, and they reduce the risk of conflicts with the communities, either ejidos or comuneros.

Since more than 35 years we help our clients with the acquisition and association with ejidos and agrarian communities for constructing productive developments in ejido or communal lands, separating said lands from the agrarian regime and incorporating them into the common legal system and transferring said lands to third parties.

We participate in agrarian cases before the Unitarian Agrarian Courts and in the Supreme Agrarian Court, as well as constitutional control actions involving agrarian law.