COVID-19: Modifications to the reactivation strategy in Mexico

May 15, 2020

News and Insights

COVID-19: Modifications to the reopening strategy in Mexico

Modifications to the reactivation strategy in Mexico

Today, it published in the Federal Official Gazette the Agreement that modified article four of the agreement that set forth a strategy for the reopening of social, educational and economic activities, and a system of traffic lights by regions to evaluate weekly the epidemiological risk related to the reopening of activities in each state, and set forth extraordinary actions, published on May 14, 2020.

Although the new Article 4 maintains the consideration of the construction industry, mining and the manufacture of transportation equipment as essential activities, it sets forth, as a condition for them to begin activities on June 1, 2020, that during the preparation period, which begins on May 18 and ends on June 01, 2020, the submission of protocols and health safety mechanisms in accordance with the general guidelines set by the Ministries of Health, Economy and Labor and Social Security, and the Mexican Social Security Institute.

If the process is completed and approved before June 1, 2020, the relevant company or industry may begin operations.

In the case of companies in the automotive and auto parts industry dedicated to exports, in addition to the above, they must apply the protocols required in their countries of origin.

It should be noted that the wording of the new article four allows for the interpretation that not only the construction industry, mining and the industry referring to the manufacture of transport equipment must comply with the conditions indicated above, but all those that are dedicated to essential activities.

Finally, the Agreement published today states that it is a “goodwill” agreement; however, if it is not complied with, companies or industries that put the health of their workers at risk will be closed down.

For any questions or comments that may arise in relation to the progressive lifting of the containment measures against the health emergency generated by the SARS-CoV2 virus, please contact any of our partners or associates.

Yours sincerely,

Cannizzo, Ortiz y Asociados, S.C.