June 28, 2020
News and Insights
Epidemiological color-coding system in orange in Mexico City
Reactivation of economic sectors in Mexico City – Orange color coding system
As it was published yesterday in the Official Gazette for Mexico City, starting next Monday, June 29th, the epidemiological four-color coding system for Mexico City will be orange.
In terms of the Guidelines for the Implementation of the Gradual Plan towards a New Normality in Mexico City, published on May 29, 2020 in the Official Gazette of Mexico City, the fact that the epidemiological four-color coding system for Mexico City is orange, implies that it will be possible to reactivate, among others, the trade of non-essential products in micro and small businesses (less than 30 employees) with flow for customers, reduced capacity and signaling.
Those responsible for the activities that will be reactivated according to the four-color coding system must: (i) obtain the authorization of the Mexican Social Security Institute (IMSS); and (ii) register in the platform http://covid19.cdmx.gob.mx/medidassanitarias in the system called “Llave CDMX” entering the general identification data requested by said platform and accept the strict compliance and observance of each one of the health measures contained therein. Once accepted, the platform will generate a Commitment Letter (to be published in a visible place of the establishment jointly with the posters to be determined by the CDMX Government). In the case of multi-facility companies, each facility will be registered individually.
In addition to the above, please note that each industry’s protocols for the reactivation of operations can be found in the following website: https://covid19.cdmx.gob.mx/nuevanormalidad
The activities that can be reactivated during the orange color coding system are as follows:
a) As of Monday, June 29th. Retail business (except those located in shopping centres and department stores) at 30% of its capacity and sports clubs and outdoor sports activities.
b) As of June 30th. Historical downtown with a special program.
c) From July 1st. Restaurants between 30% and 40% of its capacity and hotels at 30% of its capacity.
d) From July 2nd. Street Markets and bazaars.
e) From July 3rd. Beauty shops, hairdressers and beauty salons.
In yesterday’s publication in the Official Gazette for Mexico City, which can be accessed in this link, certain health measures were included for each of the relevant activities, in addition to the applicable protocols.
The Head of Government made reference to various activities that will remain closed such as religious services, cinemas, theatres, leisure or recreational meetings, galleries, concert halls, museums, amusement parks, corporate and service offices, Government offices that do not serve the public, educational services, casinos, betting shops, skating rinks, bowling alleys, billiards, spas, steam rooms, public restrooms, sports and artistic events with public, party halls, social events and congresses, gyms, canteens, bars, clubs and boats (trajineras).
If you have any questions or require advice in relation to the above, please do not hesitate to contact any of our partners or associates.
Yours sincerely,